- Protect the Zen Heart Official Announcement -

- 慶賀榮獲 國家品牌玉山獎 -
- Celebrate winning the National Brand Yushan Award -
Huquan Zen Heart International starts with the end in mind, starting from the sustainable introduction of ESG operations, unique concepts of product research and development, professional management of medical access capabilities, strict quality control and distribution management, and solid implementation of public welfare contributions in all aspects. Pragmatic management finally won the National Brand Yushan Award
- Huquan Zen Heart International Company Profile -
The concept of product design that is drug-oriented and food-oriented while also integrating food functions into pharmaceutical products can solve the environmental situation that Taiwan is facing with an aging society and a rising proportion of sub-healthy groups, so that Taiwanese people can be healthy, economically sustainable, and environmentally sustainable.

【Huquan Zen Heart International Academic Professional Announcement】
ESG Healthcare Net Zero Transformation Carbon Neutral Cellular Food Leader

Cell Medicine Factor
Oral Hyaluronic Acid combine Deep Sea Water

The best choice for protecting cells
International journal medical argumentation
【"International Brand" Cell Food Expert】

Participate in international conferences and discuss ESG sustainable product exchanges with German government agencies

The leading brand of oral HA was announced at the United Nations Climate ConferenceAchievement-International Brand-
ESG Carbon Neutral Premium Products
- 建構人才可盡情發揮的就業環境 - 【成就】
- 促進台灣糖尿病患健康推進 - 【健康】
- 落實公益為黑暗點亮光明 - 【永續】
- 【細胞食物領域 的領導品牌】
- 【Cell Medicine Original factory】
- 【傷口照護的專家】
【環境、社會、公司治理 】
- 【數位化建制並朝向提倡無紙化作業】
- 【員工完善保障與福利制度】
- 【財務透明並落實公益回饋】

【latest news】
- 領袖班亮點|護全禪心國際 HJI 從醫療體系出發 推升南台灣企業減碳力2023/11/28
- 護全禪心國際榮獲 國家建築金質獎國家品牌玉山獎 2023/10/25
- 口服玻尿酸永續ESG先行者 2022/12/20

H.J.I 護全禪心國際 H.Q.R.I.C
Implementing [environment] sustainable promotion
Experts agree that caring for the earth and "let the earth's temperature drop by 1°C" cannot be reduced to a slogan. Only with everyone's participation can we have the opportunity to "make a big turn", and the solution is "right before our eyes." Through the "World Earth Day" event, all sectors of industry and academia were called upon to participate. Everyone on the spot signed a pledge to promote the concept of "Friendly Earth" from individuals to all parts of the world, and to "reduce the earth's temperature by X°C" with pragmatic actions.
H.J.I 護全禪心國際 H.Q.R.I.C
Raw material quality Rigorous R&D and certification
- [Laboratory Monitoring Certification]
- [International European third-party impartial unit certification code]
- [Taiwan Fertilizer officially provides raw material testing and analysis reports]
- [U.S. Food and Drug Administration Certification Code]
完整原料認證、業界領先導入碳中和與完成碳足跡盤查生產線、 通過ISO22000 、 HACCP認證。

王時甫 大醫師
- 理解後山缺乏醫療資源,學成後投入後山醫療的服務。
- 曾任馬偕醫院骨科主治醫師 。
- 現階段投身於台東市開業,深耕在地醫療,視病猶親。

王偉勛 大醫師
- 中華民國骨科專科醫師
- 參與亞洲醫師組織四川震災醫療援助。
- 曾擔任前台灣駐聖多美普林西比醫療團團長。

鄭熙騰 理事長

曾嘉德 大醫師
- 來自於台北的大醫師,深耕潮州照顧患者,並加入小鎮醫生義診行列,多年來免費為隱修院的修女看病 。
- 樞機主教單國璽 「感謝有他」。
護全禪心國際 防疫衛教影片
Promo video
感謝長安醫院 胸腔內科主任 姚醫師提供 給予 護全禪心集團子公司 宣導防疫使用
Enterprise Cooperation Zone

Huquan chanxin International(ESG corporate coaching)
(Huquan chanxin International conglomerate Co., Ltd .)
Toll-free service hotline
7th Floor, No. 391, Boai 1st Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807
Telephone number
07-3118677Telephone / fax